Filed under: by: PritinTheGreat

Hello there!

This blog has now shifted (or rather re-started) at
Please check it out there!

- Pritin

Held up with exams

Filed under: by: PritinTheGreat

My semester exams are here, and it has been quite a lot of time since I posted my last blog post. I'll be back with a lot of interesting posts from the second week of June onwards. Do stay tuned!

To GOTO or to not GOTO?

Filed under: , , , by: PritinTheGreat

Most of the languages in use today, do indeed have the goto statement. As we do already know, the goto statement is used to unconditionally jump from place to place within a program, with destinations marked as labels. As you can already guess, this can make a program really hard to read, with its particularly jumpy nature. The programmer, with all his wits, could well have written a perfectly unambiguous program, but what about his code? Sure ; he knows all about his own program, and is in a position to debug it and make changes, but what about debugging, when it comes to a team environment? While our smart programmer is on leave in Hawaii, rewarded for his hard work, how miserable life will be for his coworkers!
Oh, and did I mention the program had 352 goto statements?

In the days of the structured programmer, the goto statement was a very powerful tool in the hands of a very powerful programmer. His days, however, are no more. Neither him nor his tool are powerful anymore. However, it would be wrong to say that the goto statement does not have any application in high level programming. While some high level languages, like Java do not support the statement, other languages such as C#.NET continue to allow it ; and it proves to be useful in causing fall-throughs in switch-case blocks.

The popular saying among many, so-called high level programmers is, "Never use GOTO statements" ; but this need not be completely true. However, there have been several great computer scientists, whose work has formed the base for what most of computer science is today, have sternly voiced their concerns against the goto statement. The most popular of such cases is Edsger W. Dijkstra's letter to Communications of the Assosciation for Computing Machinery in 1968, titled A case against the go to statement. (here)

Since a number of years I am familiar with the observation that the quality of programmers is a decreasing function of the density of go to statements in the programs they produce. Later I discovered why the use of the go to statement has such disastrous effects and did I become convinced that the go to statement should be abolished from all "higher level" programming languages (i.e. everything except –perhaps- plain machine code).

In reality, goto statements belong to assembly language code, where the program, has no other option, but to jump (conditionally or unconditionally) to memory locations, specified explicitly in the program itself. When structural programming was programmer fashion, the goto statement, as I already mentioned was a very powerful tool; but this was before the while and for loop even came into existence. Now, with better options at hand which were not available at earlier times, we must strive to do whatever we can to make our programs easier to manage, read and debug - we must strive to make our programs more high-level.

The go to statement as it stands is just too primitive, it is too much an invitation to make a mess of one's program.

The use of the word mess, in my opinion is quite apt. Imagine a program with 352 goto statements. You're probably going to spend more than half of your office hours scrolling up and down, trying to locate the labels, and make sense of what the program actually does. (And I'd sincerely hope you're not using the vi text editor.) Owing to this seemingly random flow of control between various statements, programs that use too many goto statements earn the "Spaghetti Code" nickname, which falls very short of a complement.

So why would you use a goto statement anyway? It is also a proven fact that every goto statement can be replaced with a suitable implementation of a set of looping constructs. (except for the fall through case in switch blocks I mentioned earlier). The reason for this is probably, that most programmers think (or like to think) in the way a computer thinks; executing a set of statements, and jumping to a new set of statements when a branching instruction is encountered. In a way, this is what dividing your programs into methods/functions also achieves, but it is much easier to manage code.

So, to conclude, to not go to is a much more sensible decision.

Is the coffee cup getting colder? (Part 2)

Filed under: , , , , by: PritinTheGreat

So, in this series of tests, .NET seems to be the clear winner so far. If this makes you really happy, you may be in for a disappointment today. I unveil now, the results of two more tests that we performed recently.

In this test, we had both our competitors draw, as the title says, a hell lot of stuff onto a single window. Apparently one of them had a lot of fun doing the same, while the other got extremely stressed out. The task was to draw 1000 rectangles and 1000 circles. Now just in case you're thinking whether life would've been simpler had we drawn 2 rectangles and 2 circles, you're wrong. The time needed for either platform to draw any single shape is a lot less than 1 millisecond. To measure enough time so that comparing is possible, we've overloaded them with a heavily time consuming task.

Let us, as usual, have a quick glance at the code before moving over to the results.

Java program (extract)

(not available at the moment)

C#.NET program (extract)

static void F1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
g = e.Graphics;
Rectangle R = new Rectangle(10,10,100,100);
g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, R);
g.DrawEllipse(Pens.Black, R);
g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, R);
g.DrawEllipse(Pens.Black, R);

The rather stunning results, are as follows... (lesser is better)

Java SE 6 : 63 ms
.NET 3.5 : 227 ms

So as you can see, the time needed by .NET 3.5 to draw the same set of figures (2000 in total) is a staggering 300% more than that required by the JVM! Java uses OpenGL for all it's drawings, while .NET uses GDI+. This significant difference can indeed be credited to the difference between OpenGL and GDI+. Most people prefer OpenGL to GDI, primarily because it is known to be faster (especially in game development) and performing actions such as rotating and scaling of drawings is simpler. However, GDI too has it's advantages; the most notable of them being that it is guaranteed 100% to run on any default windows installation, because GL is dependent on, and requires, that the latest graphics drivers be installed.

In this test, we tried adding 1000 controls to a window programatically; that is, we're not using Visual Studio or NetBeans to "drag-and-drop" the controls ; we're adding them at runtime. Considering the fact that the .NET framework was created primarily for Windows, the results of this test may be disturbing to some.

The programs in both languages are very similar, in that they both just add() controls to the window / applet. (I'll make the programs available anyway, later)

So we're heading off to the results directly...

In this test, Java is marginally ahead of .NET .
So apparently, as far as graphics and visual stuff are involved, Java is a few steps ahead of .NET. This isn't enough to say "Graphics are better in Java than .NET" , because at the moment, Microsoft endeavours such as WPF are far far ahead of Java when it comes to rich and intutive user interfaces.

So those were the two test results for today, more tests are lined up, so don't loose hope! For now, it's a tie between .NET and Java, and the coffee cup may not be getting cold after all.

Is the coffee cup getting colder? (Part 1)

Filed under: by: PritinTheGreat

Is Java better than .NET? Yes? No? Maybe? Well, it's quite futile to argue about this issue without strong reasoning. Instead, Piyush Sahay ( and I decided to find out for ourselves what difference there actually is between the two.

In today's Part-1 of our series of tests between Java and .NET , we see two tests. Since the C# compiler ( and every other supported language's compiler) converts the written program into MSIL (Microsoft Intermediate Language), it's perfectly safe to say that we're comparing the JVM and .NET Framework (and not Java and C#). Had the same code been written in VB or VC++, the same intermediate code would have been generated, and a very similar test result would have been obtained.

We use .NET 3.5 SP1 and Java SE 6 for our comparisons. We used both Java and C# command line compilers. All tests were performed with the same laptop (rather slow, but that doesn't make a difference in this case) running Windows XP Service Pack 3.


The objective of this test was very elementary. The written program had to loop from 0 to 1,00,000 and print every number obtained, in a new line. Sounds simple, no? Let's have a look at the programs we used to do the same.

JAVA Program (extract)

for(double x = 0; x <= 100000 ; x++)

C#.NET Program (extract)

for(double x = 0; x <= 100000 ; x++)

The following are the obtained results : (lesser is better)

.NET 3.5 SP1 : 11714 ms
Java SE 6 : 14797 ms

Clearly, when it comes to looping operations ( we also tried a while loop ), the .NET Framwork is much more effective and faster. The difference is about 3 seconds.

One point to be noted though, is that when NetBeans is used to "compile and run" the program, the execution time was significantly lower than the above shown results. In my opinion, this can be credited to the fact that NetBeans does not start a console (cmd.exe) as a child process, which could include additional overheads. There is a subwindow within the NeatBeans IDE that is used to display the output instead.


Bubble sort is usually the choice of many programmers when it comes to sorting a list of a small number of elements. We tried it with 1000 elements. Obviously, 1000 elements doesn't even vaguely fit into the "Small list" category, but still it has a healthy (healthy?) number of if statements, and thus proves to be a valid measure of speed. The time complexity of the bubble sort is n2 (n - square). This means, that a list of 1000 elements will need up to 1000000 if statements. This can be easily deduced from the fact that there is a nested for loop with an if statement. The maximum number of comparisons are required when the list to sorted is in it's "worst state". That is, the list is in perfectly descending order, and our program tries to sort it in ascending order.

Let's have a look at this code.

Java Program (extract)

int i,j,temp,a[]=new int[1000];
long start,end,time;
for (i=999; i>=0; i--)
for (i=0; i<1000;>
for (j=0; j<999-i;>
if (a[j]>a[j+1])

C#.NET Program (Extract)

int i,j,temp;
int [] a=new int[1000];
long start,end,time;
for (i=999; i>=0; i--)
for (i=0; i<1000;>
for (j=0; j<999-i;>
if (a[j]>a[j+1])

The following are the obtained results. (lesser is better)

.NET 3.5 SP1 : 8 ms
Java SE 6 : 15 ms

This proves that conditional statements are executed almost 100% faster in .NET as in Java. Though this cannot be used as an absolute proof, it is indicative.

In our forthcoming tests, we will be posting comparisons based on more complex algorithms and concepts. Till then the thing to do is to Live and Love .NET !

Credits : The title to this series of posts was sugested by Piyush "The Java Boss" Sahay.

Hello World!

Filed under: , , , by: PritinTheGreat

Well, it could probably not get any more auspicious than to start with the highly acclaimed "Hello World" statement.

As the "About Me" box rightly states, my name is Pritin Tyagaraj, and I'm doing my undergraduate course in Computer Science at SRM University, India (which, to my utter surprise, is India's best private college, according to the Times Of India ; but that's an entirely different issue).

I have always been fond of computers and programming, but have taken to it seriously only recently. At first I tried my hands at Java. Something seemed wrong. Not that Java is in any way less equipped or worse than any .NET language; it's just that I wasn't having fun with it. At times I've blamed it's recommended variable name notations, and at others, it's IDE ; neither of which make any sense at all.

Desparately looking for alternatives, I came wandering over to Microsoft's .NET . I had found my home! (Or is it my to-be office?) Something seemed right about .NET. I've always enjoyed programming for fun with .NET. It was boring in C, and something I didn't have time to try in Java, but .NET had it's way for me.

I don't always prefer studying directly from any book. I'd rather play around with a new language by myself, before even getting started at learning it formally. At first I played a lot with VB.NET, because I had heard it was easy. But then misled by popular incorrect biased opinions against VB as a choice of language, I migrated to C#.

It has not even been a year since I first got to .NET, and I haven't really had any formal training, so I obviously don't know much. I intend to use this blog to share with you what I learn ; as I learn.

So sit tight and get ready to Live and Love .NET !